Taxi fare calculator in Melbourne
Estimate taxi fares from/to the airport, hotels, bars, monuments or anywhere in Melbourne.
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The price estimate for this ride is AU$ 97.02.
From: clayton
To: tullamarine airport
This estimate was last updated on 01 January 2025, about 1 month ago.
This taxi cost estimation from clayton to tullamarine airport might be a bit outdated.
You can recalculate it now, but we need to make sure you are not a robot first :)
Remember that these are only estimated fares.
Actual fares vary depending on traffic, weather and other unforeseen conditions.
Tolls are not shown.
The information provided on this site is intended for guidance purposes only.
Useful information about taxi services in Melbourne
- For taxis carrying 5 to 11 passengers, or non-wheelchair hiring where the hirer specifically requests a larger than standard taxi (regardless of the number of passengers carried) fares are 50% higher.
- A 20 per cent public holiday price surcharge will apply all day Christmas, Boxing and New Year's Days and from 6 pm on New Year's Eve.
- The existing late night surcharge that applies at night (midnight to 5 am) will NOT apply during the public holiday surcharge period.
- Fares that apply to taxis hired outside the Melbourne Metropolitan areas are sligthly different than the ones quoted in this page.
- There are established all-night 'Safe City' taxi ranks, with security guards on King Street, outside Flinders Street Station and on Bourke Street.
More information on Taxi Services Commission, State Government of Victoria