All aditional charges listed here are discretional, the driver can choose to impose them or not, but should make them clear in advance.
An additional charge of €1 may be charged by taxi drivers for each additional passenger after the first.
Booking fee of €2 may be charged for any method of engagement other than hailing in street or engage in a taxi rank (including airports and stations), for example engage by phone, email, app, etc.
Where a road toll charge is necessarily incurred on a trip, the exact cost of the toll may be added to the taxi fare.
No additional charge will be permitted for any type of luggage or mobility aids.
Payment by credit or debit card may incur in an extra fee that must not be greater than 5% of the fare. No minimum fare may be set for card payments.
A special rate applies between Christmas Eve 20:00h to St. Stephen’s Day 08:00h and New Year’s Eve 20:00h to New Year’s Day 08:00h.