Taxi fare calculator for big ben, London
Estimate taxi fares from/to the airport, hotels, bars, monuments or anywhere in London.
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Useful information about taxi services in London
- There is a £2 additional fee for cabs called by phone
- Some taxis in London accept credit cards, usually with a surcharge of 10% to 15% in the price from the meter.
- Tipping on taxi services is not mandatory, although it may be expected, at about 10%. Most people round up to the nearest pound, though.
- Black cabs are legally obliged to take on any job for journeys up to six miles (20 miles for cabs at the Heathrow Airport taxi ranks).
- It can be difficult to hail a cab in popular tourist or nightclub areas at certain times of the day.
- Try to avoid unlicensed minicab drivers seeking passengers, especially in stations and airports; use a Black Taxi or a licensed private hire vehicle with the distinctive Transport for London licence disc.
- More useful tips in wikitravel
[*] The price per unit are averages of the different prices applied to the sections of the trip.
more information on : Transport for London