Taxi fare calculator in London
Estimate taxi fares from/to the airport, hotels, bars, monuments or anywhere in London.
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The price estimate for this ride is £ 11.10.
From: stratford station
To: canning town
This estimate was last updated on 02 February 2024, about 1 year ago.
This taxi cost estimation from stratford station to canning town might be a bit outdated.
You can recalculate it now, but we need to make sure you are not a robot first :)
Remember that these are only estimated fares.
Actual fares vary depending on traffic, weather and other unforeseen conditions.
Tolls are not shown.
The information provided on this site is intended for guidance purposes only.
Useful information about taxi services in London
- There is a £2 additional fee for cabs called by phone
- Some taxis in London accept credit cards, usually with a surcharge of 10% to 15% in the price from the meter.
- Tipping on taxi services is not mandatory, although it may be expected, at about 10%. Most people round up to the nearest pound, though.
- Black cabs are legally obliged to take on any job for journeys up to six miles (20 miles for cabs at the Heathrow Airport taxi ranks).
- It can be difficult to hail a cab in popular tourist or nightclub areas at certain times of the day.
- Try to avoid unlicensed minicab drivers seeking passengers, especially in stations and airports; use a Black Taxi or a licensed private hire vehicle with the distinctive Transport for London licence disc.
- More useful tips in wikitravel
[*] The price per unit are averages of the different prices applied to the sections of the trip.
more information on : Transport for London