Taxi fare calculator in Vancouver
Estimate taxi fares from/to the airport, hotels, bars, monuments or anywhere in Vancouver.
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The price estimate for this ride is C$ 43.40.
From: tsawwassen ferry terminal
To: richmond centre
This estimate was last updated on 05 May 2024, 10 months ago.
This taxi cost estimation from tsawwassen ferry terminal to richmond centre might be a bit outdated.
You can recalculate it now, but we need to make sure you are not a robot first :)
Remember that these are only estimated fares.
Actual fares vary depending on traffic, weather and other unforeseen conditions.
Tolls are not shown.
The information provided on this site is intended for guidance purposes only.
Useful information about taxi services in Vancouver
- Taxis serving the airport must accept credit cards.
- Stopping a taxi on the open street is not a good idea. Calling for a taxi is the best solution.
- Some empty cabs may ignore you because they are not licenced to operate inside the city.
- Most companies allow to travel with pets, just let them know in advance.
- Most businesses in Vancouver accept US dollars; taxis are not an exception.
- Vancouver is the Host City of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games between 12 to 28 February
- Vancouver is the Host City of the 2010 Paralympic Winter Games between 12 to 21 March
more information on : City of Vancouver
2010 Winter Olympic Games official site : 2010 Winter Olympic Games